Scaling/cleaning of teeth is a procedure by which the dentist through an ultrasonic scaler removes the plaque, tartar & food particles from the tooth surface and surface of restorations. Tartar/ Calculus appear as yellow /brown/blackish hard deposits between gums and teeth.
Excessive deposition of tartar over a period of time leads to mobility of teeth and unhealthy gums. External stains on the teeth which cannot be removed by simple brushing can be removed by scaling and polishing. External stains on the teeth are caused by smoking, tobacco, tea & coffee intake etc. Sometimes even if a person does not have these habits still stains are observed. That is because of few chromogenic bacteria present in the saliva which causes these stains.
Scaling is done by ultra sonic machine which does not cause any harm or scratches on the natural tooth structure. No local anesthesia is given for this procedure as this is virtually painless procedure.
As the tartar is removed the concealed part of the teeth is exposed to the oral environment thereby causing mild to moderate sensitivity to the teeth which is transient. This sensitivity vanishes in a day or two. Most of the patients do not even experience this sensitivity.
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